Publications and Impact
DIRAC data are very important for the scientific community; the purpose of this page is to show the bibliometric value and geographic focus of articles incorporating DIRAC data. To this aim, we are collecting all the papers published since 2001 in peer-reviewed International Journals, that are referring to DIRAC in the main body of the publication, in the acknowledgements, or in the references.
The list of papers might be incomplete, since identifying literature and publications referring to data obtained from DIRAC is not straightforward. Although there is evidence that DIRAC data has been used in many publications as a secondary source, we are not including these publications in the list.
Please contact the DIRAC team at to advise of any other publications (published since 2001 in peer-reviewed International Journals indexed in Web of Science (Clarivate) or Scopus (Elsevier)) that are currently not included in the list.
This page illustrates how DIRAC data curation, performed at the IAEA based on the voluntary contribution of the National Coordinators, can benefit the entire scientific community on a local, regional and global scale.
The DIRAC Primary Publications and DIRAC Citations graphs show the cumulative number of publications referring to DIRAC (primary sources) and the cumulative number of papers citing these publications (secondary sources), respectively, starting from 2001. It is possible to filter these plots according to the geographical spread of data used in the publication (if available), their main subject, their Author(s) and key word(s) used in the title.
The Main Subjects section shows a classification of the content of the papers according to the most popular generic subjects and sub-categories that have been identified. By “clicking” on a specific main subject or sub-category, publications can be filtered.
The Geography section shows a list of the Authors’ country of affiliation. By “clicking” on a specific country, it is possible to filter publications with first and co-Authors affiliated to this country. Publications can be filtered according to the city of affiliation of first or co-Authors, by “clicking” on the city in the map.
This page is updated regularly and features the most current information available to the IAEA, based on replies to the questionnaires circulated and individual web-based literature searches. The IAEA makes no warranties, either expressed or implied, concerning the accuracy, completeness, reliability, or suitability of the information. The mention of names of specific companies or equipment does not imply any intention to infringe proprietary rights, nor should it be construed as an endorsement or recommendation on the part of the IAEA. Extracts from the material contained in DIRAC may be freely used provided acknowledgement of the DIRAC database is made.